Yes, Most of us do not know the real color of Doctors, where we feel that he is God and saves life. But for a doctor, his profession is not to treat patients.Patient is a money bank for him and his Profession is a Business. I can assure that 99% of the doctors in India are Corrupt,Shameless,and Do not have ethical values. Pharma people are the gods who Invent medicines, know how they work and different fields of Scientists work on it to produce and manufacture a medicine for the benefit of the patient. But doctors do not respect all these people, they think they are the only people who can do whatever they want play with the lives of patients, Insult Pharma people. I know some of the doctors who do not know the basics of medicine,just copy the protocol what the other doctor does blindly and looting the money from the patient and other parties shamelessly. The whole system has to change, Pharma companies should be regulated by government strictly, If crossed ...