Difference between Carpentry and Modular Work- Modular Vs Carpenter

Difference between Carpentry and Modular Work

As modular Modular Interiors become the new style statement for the modern homemaker, more and more modern families are opting for it over carpenter made kitchens. Here are a few reasons why modular kitchen is definetly a better bet than carpenter made  Interiors.

1.Design options: Modular Company has a dedicated Designer  who knows how to plan the space and give the design according to the Standards required based on the Ergonomics to provide Comfort,
Apperance and Functionality
A carpenter would give you a limited number of design options. An ordinary
dabba drawer without proper planning and dimensions, that’s it! But modular kitchen brands
like 8 Streaks, Modular Kitchens and Wardrobes, give you numerous options for smart and effective usage of your
space. Wall hangings, rotating tall units, lift-up flaps, soft-closing drawers are all blessings of
modular kitchen and Multiple Accessories to choose and Expertise in Handling them.

2.Optimum space management: Innovative tall kitchen units can store all your food containers in a
small 2ft x 2ft space.
Cabinet sizes and Internal structure according to the ergonomics and Standards
Corner units in Kitchen transform your wasted corner space into the most useful one.
Innovations like these can only be found in a modular kitchen.

3.Excellent finish: Observe the rough edges and uneven finish of a carpenter-made kitchen, and
compare it to the smooth, seamless finish of a modular kitchen. It is unparalleled.
Another advantage of the machine-made shutters of 8 Streaks modular  Interiors is that every shutter is evenly finished, and has no open edges and Laminate is Pressed perfectly.

4.Best in class Fittings: 8 Streaks Provides best in class fittings, Internantional standards are maintained and fittings Such as Hettich, Ebco and Butterfly
With life time warranty are provided.

5.No mess, no stress: Lot of mess, noise and dust… are the side effects of carpenter made  Interiors.
Tension and irritation by the way they work and Mostly the Delay in the work, that can affect your  schedule  as well.  But when you order a factory-fitted 8 Streaks Modular Kitchen, all it takes is few days for installation. No mess, no dust, no noise. It’s easy and hassle free.

6.Maintenance and Service: With a carpenter-made kitchen, there is no guarantee for replacement
or regular service. But with modular kitchen companies like 8 Streaks, Modular Kitchens and Wardrobes, you will not only get easy replacements but also a regular service contract that will ensure that your kitchen.8 Streaks Provides free service for 5 years and Warranty on manufactured products for 10 Years
7.Value for money: Though the carpenter-made kitchen seems like a reasonable solution in the
beginning, it ends up being an expensive affair. Value is compromised. Amount of material used and Quality of Material used is Compromised.
The carpenter will keep adding material and services as he progresses. And in the end, when you calculate, you will realize the price has crossed the quotation the modular company gave you. So you not only end up paying more for a carpenter-made kitchen, but you also don’t get the functionality, innovation, excellent finish and look of a modular kitchen. And don’t forget… the frustrating days when you have to tolerate the banging and the mess, Nailing with hammers, Cutting with saw blades etc
There is a difference in caluculation of Carpenters and Company. Company takes everything in MM(millimeters) and Carpenters take it in Inches and round off to feets.

8. Edgebanding:
Smooth edge banding is provided by the company, Where as Carpenter simply paints the edges or stick the cheap beading and polish it, which spoils the look or He might paste laminate, where
Edges are sharp and chances of delaminating of shutter and edges are high.

9.Time: Time taken by the carpenters is limitless, you cannot be sure when would it be completed
As they delay in work, absence of workers, skill less workers, traditional tools used by them
And lot of human intervention. But in factory fitted Interiors/Kitchens everything is Machine finished
And has a span of time in finishing and Few days to fit on the site by the fitters( Much of skill is not required and can be replaced by other worker in absence)

10.Happy Ending: 8 Streaks, Modular Kitchens and Wardrobes provides you with the design expertise, and world class solutions which are applied by experience and troubleshooting the issues to turn your home/kitchen  into a Dream home/Kitchen.

It’s worth your money for it’s the best makeover you can give your kitchen/Home Interiors. Call 8886249998 for more expert advice from 8 Streaks, Modular Kitchens and Wardrobes.


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